Strategic advisory in the sports industry

CMAR Ventures advises clubs, associations and investors in the sports, media and entertainment industry on important strategic and financial questions and supports them to unlock their full potential.



Deep expertise and broad network

Finding the right partner can be challenging. With our expertise and our international network, we are ideally positioned to identify the best partner for our client's success.

Results-oriented and tailor-made approach

Sometimes bold actions are required to make the next steps. We know how to balance the needs of all stakeholders to achieve our client's objectives efficiently and effectively. We are further experts on adapting our approach to our client's specific needs and circumstances. 


We help our clients to navigate complex structural and financial situations, identify opportunities for growth and develop effective strategies for commercial success.

Buy- / Sell-Side

We provide tailored buy- and sell-side advisory to our clients, helping them to achieve their strategic and commercial goals to maximize value for all stakeholders.